談判能力 (1)

一 . 談判會是企業組織的關鍵性能力



二. 談判將提高組織的效率及效益

正確的使用談判會幫企業盈利成長,更會幫助領導者在管理上遇到問題,都能迎刃而解讓公司政策貫徹落實,也讓部門與部的合作發揮最大的效率,銷售部門更如虎添翼超越其它的競爭對手,只有良好正確的談判方法所有的問題都將不是問題?更將問題轉換成優質的企業創新文化。人生不論在何時?在何地? 我們都會碰到大大小小的事情與困難!別急……只要我們能有談判的能力,一定都可逢兇化吉;作個天選之人吧,從此不論是在家庭/職場/社交我們一定都能成為最受歡迎的人……人人皆談判的時代來了!


三 . 我們為什麼要有談判能力

CPSN 談判學原理:

四 . 中層管理者最需要談判能力

經由下方圖形所示同仁CPSN溝通/說服/銷售/談判的能力不足(經美國中國台灣超過500份測試統計數據)。我們可以從這個分數指標看出30-40歲的中階管理層,在人際互動管理領導上須要努力了解不同世代的價值觀及行為模式;否則過於站在自我的角度就無法做一個好的管理者,好的管理層要將不同世代價值融合在企業價值與文化中,方能精準的執行企業的戰略為企業創造最高的效率與效益 ,所以CPSN談判學 就顯得格外重要!

五 . 企業需賦予員工CPSN的能力

串流商業模式將成為商業主流,但頻繁的開會能提升業績效率嗎? 經過統計76%的會議都沒有提升業績效率,因此每個企業都必須賦予員工CPSN的能力,強化內部的溝通協調效率及外部服務銷售談判績效,提供最精準的客制化服務,以建立企業品牌護城河,串流全球優質潛在客戶,企業文化之建立關鍵在員工CPSN能力的展現,CPSN是企業發展的磐石,是企業發展的核心競爭力………打造企業組織效能、企業文化,提高企業獲利能力,創造企業品牌。

About CPSN

七. CPSN線上十三章節課程內容說明

Chapter One CPSN Global Streaming Learning Model

1-1 Description of HBD founder's experience

1-2 How does an enterprise correctly move towards a century-old enterprise

1-3 What is the core competitiveness of an enterprise team?

1-4 CPSN clearly defines and functions

1-5 Benefits of Global Streaming CPSN Courses

1-6 How to build a corporate moat

Chapter 2 Virtual World is coming

2-1 Distance economy we need to change (1) business thinking (2) business model

2-2 Streaming business model Virtual World is based on temperature/feelings/screen

2-3 The core of the streaming business model: generational value

2-4 Two Keys to CPSN: 1 Timeline 2 Values

2-5 What are the clear definitions of values?

2-6 What is the most important job for managers?

Chapter Three: Establishment of Enterprise-Personal Positioning Monitoring System

3-1 The positioning monitoring system of life

3-2 The relationship between time/emotion/objective management

3-3 Correct and effective goal setting methods

3-4 What is the 30-second ultimate goal setting rule

3-5 How company goals become employee behavioral DNA

3-6 Maslow's psychology of starting company goals


Chapter 4 Skills for Creating Good Interpersonal Interaction

4-1 High EQ anger management (life calendar = vitality)

4-2 Ways to reverse depression, a beautiful picture after five years

4-3 High EQ, joy to play skills in the first time

4-4 How to avoid critical oral expressions in praise

4-5 The essentials of praise

4-6 Compliments need more than three times to be accepted

Chapter 5 Use the right language and colors to create high performance

5-1 Words that should be avoided by the leader

5-2 Correct alternatives for leaders to communicate

5-3 How do people react to colors?

5-4 How to use color correctly

5-5 How to interpret the hearts and thoughts of others from colors

5-6 What background color is suitable for product description/signature


Chapter 6 Drive yourself to be an influential person

6-1 How to overcome the psychological barrier of knowing not to do/knowing that it is impossible/to do it soon

6-2 Freudian psychology students' instinctive activation method?

6-3 How does CPSN use numbers to clearly define

6-4 Who is the best seller in the world? What is he selling?

6-5 What are the three major factors affecting sales?

6-6 Characteristics of Bad Persuaders

Chapter 7 Use voice charm to resolve interpersonal communication barriers

7-1 The skills of the dantian to strengthen the sound of the engine

7-2 The sound is divided into five categories, how to correctly show the charm of the sound

7-3 What are the two major categories of speech speed taboos?

7-4 How to improve the misunderstanding caused by slow speech?

7-5 How to improve the misunderstanding caused by talking too fast?

7-6 How to like and fall in love with your own voice

Chapter 8 The Law of Establishing Deep Personality Charm

8-1 The three major elements of the law of attraction

8-2 Correctly implemented psychological factors to show the law of attraction

8-3 Three ways to test your attractiveness

8-4 Success = Opportunity + Setback

8-5 How to change the mentality of reversing frustration

8-6 Learn from others' successful frustration experience

Chapter 9 Combining the Left and Right Brains to Change the Other's Values

9-1 The correct way to operate our left and right brains

9-2 Use values to make perfect sales

9-3 Use values + timeline to force sales

9-4 The formula for changing customer value

9-5 How to communicate with the other party's memory bank

9-6 Five steps of communication terms into the other party's memory

Chapter 10: The spark of collision between Laozi's philosophy and the subconscious

10-1 Any behavior can produce plural beneficiaries

10-2 Cultivation of the concept of plural numbers

10-3 Understanding the evolution of "Tao", the core philosophy of "Laozi"

10-4 The opposition mostly comes from the memory bank of the past tense

10-5 Correctly understand the structure of the subconscious mind

10-6 Three steps to strengthen the subconscious mind

Chapter 11 HQ Insights into the Problems and Needs of Human Nature

11-1 What are the five abilities of HQ?

11-2 The definition and spirit of the HBD law

11-3 Analyze the opponent's psychology from the perspective of the chin

11-4 Correct and enthusiastic handshake

11-5 Judging the opponent from the perspective of the body's spine

11-6 Judging the opponent from the eye contact / the corner of the mouth

Chapter 12 Unlocking All Secrets in the Window of the Soul

12-1 Analyze the signal from the direction of the eyeball rotation

12-2 Turning the eyeball to the right represents the signal

12-3 Turning the eyeball to the left represents the signal

12-4 The eyeball turns to the signal represented below

12-5 The turning direction of the angel's eyes

12-6 The turning of the eyes is the most important key to the success or failure of CPSN

Chapter Thirteen Discuss Guiguzi's Horizons and Strategies

13-1 Definition and interpretation of Pacing / Leading

13-2 Imitation is the first step to start the response

13-3 Guiguzi's Five Negotiation Languages and Nine Types of People

13-4 How to interact and communicate with nine different types of people

13-5 The Four Steps of Imagination

13-6 Guiguzi Arrival, Flying Clamp Technique + Western Negotiation Thinking

Course trial tour

Goal setting

Use left and right brain communication

The mystery of five changes in sound

Chapter Three Enterprise-Personal Positioning Monitoring System Establishment Issues and Discussion

CPSN course features

1. Organize discussion-based learning

2. Repetitive learning (1 year/12 times)

3. Grow with global companies

4. Integrate with international corporate culture

CPSN learning value

1. Have a set of Virtual Training courses

Virtual Training courses can be watched 12 times a year

2. Staff International Virtual Learning

Organize monthly Q&A/Global cross-border employee exchanges

3.International Virtual CEO Meeting

A global multinational CEO resource stream is held every three months